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LHS Firsts

The Lutheran High Crusaders continued to experience a number of “firsts.”  In April 1948, the Drama Department, directed by Ann Constable, presented its first play:  We Shook the Family Tree, starring Doris Rockwell, Bob Kelpe and Martha Wolter.  Holders of the sixty-cent tickets received prime seating. The next year the first graduating class adopted the motto, “If Christ be for us, who can be against us?”  While the seniors anticipated graduation, nine celebrated charter membership in the first “L” club and could reminisce already with the school’s first Crusader yearbook.  Incredibly, the seventy-eight seniors of that first class graduated from a high school accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It was the first high school in Missouri to be accredited prior to graduating a class.

The Lutheran High Crusaders continued to experience a number of “firsts.”  In April 1948, the Drama Department, directed by Ann Constable, presented its first play:  We Shook the Family Tree, starring Doris Rockwell, Bob Kelpe and Martha Wolter.  Holders of the sixty-cent tickets received prime seating. The next year the first graduating class adopted the motto, “If Christ be for us, who can be against us?”  While the seniors anticipated graduation, nine celebrated charter membership in the first “L” club and could reminisce already with the school’s first Crusader yearbook.  Incredibly, the seventy-eight seniors of that first class graduated from a high school accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. It was the first high school in Missouri to be accredited prior to graduating a class.                    